Dana Fisher graduated from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville with a BS degree in Business and Marketing. She has worked with numbers in some form since day one and specifically in bookkeeping/accounting since 2003. Straight out of college, Dana was talked into “running her own business” by selling books door to door in another state for the summer. It was the hardest thing she’d ever done, but it taught her more than anything else she’d ever done.
Dana learned how to be independent, sell, budget money, order supplies, deliver supplies, stay organized, prioritize, and so many business skills required to run your own business….at age 22. She finished 9th out of 3000 students and made more money in those 3 months than any of the jobs interviewed for were offering her for a year. Needless to stay, she stuck around for another summer but.learned she did not like selling at all and that business management/accounting was for her. She has worked in this area in several industries, including real estate, business management firm with a focus on athletes and entertainers, and the investment industry.
Dana has been married for over 20 years and has two children. Both are extremely active and on the go. Dalton plays football for his HS and races motocross all over the US. Addie is part of a competitive cheer squad that competes all over as well. This keeps the family very busy and working with Randolph Business Resources allows Dana to not miss a minute of any of it. Its flexible schedule and family values fits in line perfectly.